Monday, February 11, 2008

Neutralized Rollout

So, why not have a blog, I said to myself. 98 percent of the world's sentient beings seem to these days, so I may as well join the fun.

I'm mainly going to write about cycling, covering a wide range of topics such as racing and racing bikes. But I'll also venture into the areas of public policy, and how riding a bike could very well save our planet.

Now and then, I'll take the liberty to throw in some occasional posts on baseball and the New York Yankees in particular. And, whatever else enters my mind.

Thanks for reading.


The guy doin' the thing said...


nuovorecord said...

Hi there. Thanks for posting!

nonlineargirl said...

Ok, I will read and all, but you start talking about breasts and I am going to get all red and quiet. Oh wait, I think I have things backwards. That's you, isn't it?

nuovorecord said...

Guilty as charged. :/