Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Put this in your musette!

Mens Health magazine has just released their list of the 20 Worst Foods In America. Next time you have the urge to see what a heart attack feels like, head on over to your local craptastic Outback Steakhouse for a steaming heap of Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing.

2,900 calories per serving, 182 g of fat, 240 g of carbs. Mmmmm, I can feel my ventricles locking up just thinking about it.

Now, I suppose if you have a big ride coming up, this would be one way to carbo-load. But your heart would explode on the first climb of the day.

Not to be outdone, equally-crappy chain restaurant Chili's comes in a close second on the list with their signature Awesome Blossom. "Awesome" must be referring to the 2,710 calories per serving, 203 g of fat, 194 g of fat and a jaw-dropping 6,360 g of sodium!

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